Two years ago Anthony won his works Driver of the Year competition. The prize was a weekend away anywhere in Europe. We chose Monza.
What I thought I had blogged last year, but didn't (this is why I am so terrible) was that he won it AGAIN. This time they'd changed the prize so we got £500 of Co-Op holiday vouchers instead.
Well guess what...

(his prizes: the wine is all mine as he doesn't drink it; holiday vouchers in the yellow card, the iPhone (8G 3GS) means he may appear on Twitter, the FoleyCat we owned already.)
Last year there were plenty of jokes about him being better than Lewis Hamilton, this year he's better than Fernando Alonso and joins Ayrton Senna with his three titles.
Since we hadn't yet spent last years vouchers, we're now trying to decide if we want a totally free 4* holiday in Malta, or if we want to use some of them towards a long weekend in Valencia.
Well done Anthony! I do hope he starts tweeting. And MALTA! Go to Malta (but you knew I was going to say that, yes?)xxx
Whichever you choose, Valencia or Malta, you will enjoy it even more knowing that it is Anthony's super skill wot won it for you.
And, no, you are not terrible. Sometimes you have to live life, not blog it;-)
Woohoo! Congrats :) And wow. Whichever holiday you choose I'm sure it'll be fantastic!
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