Tuesday, 5 February 2013

Neil Gaiman...

...is doing a project with BlackBerry to write a calendar of stories.

His blog post about it is here. (seeing Cabal made me cry)

I watched my twitter feed fill up with RT's for each month last night, and in my sleep I missed most of August, and all of September.

I thought I would add my answers for each question here.

#JanTale - Why is January so dangerous? - The dark and cold can trick you into thinking it will never be light and warm again.

#FebTale - What's the strangest thing that ever happened to you in February? - The sudden realisation that it's all alright.

#MarTale - What historical figure does March remind you of? - Julius Caesar. It's those Ides.

#AprTale - What's your happiest memory of April? - Meeting a man outside a KFC on Easter Sunday 2006.

#MayTale - What's the weirdest gift you've ever been given in May? - a whole sunny day in London to climb the Monument, wander round The City, buy cupcakes, and meet twitter and book friends.

#JunTale - Where would you spend a perfect June? - In a big sunny house, with family and friends popping in and out as they can.

#JulTale - What is the most unusual thing you have ever seen in July? - some sort of bee/moth/hummingbird that was flying round the geraniums in a house we stayed at in France. I was 11 and it was the size of my hand.

#AugTale - If August could speak, what would it say? - It would speak of hot days and muggy nights. Of the smell of a rain shower on parched grass and hot pavement.

#SeptTale - Tell me something you lost in September that meant a lot to you. - My father.

#OctTale - What mythical creature would you like to meet in October? - a dragon.

#NovTale - What would you burn in November, if you could? - Weaknesses.

#DecTale - Who would you like to see again in December? - My dad, so he could meet his granddaughter.

I wanted to link each hashtag back to Twitter, but it's currently being arsey with me.

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