Yesterday I saw the worst one ever. It made me laugh so hard I almost wet myself.
So for your amusement I present to you, the current F1 World Champion (you know, the one who can't tell the difference between a green light and a red one)...
Mr Lewis Hamilton

*rolls on floor in fits of laughter all over again*
Although I have to admit that the picture on the inside front cover is worse. In that one he's taken the racing suit off and is standing there in a shiny suit, adjusting his tie with the hand wearing a big blingy ring and looking like a pimp.
A cheap pimp.
On this occasion however, I hope that this does sell. Mainly because if it doesn't (and we haven't sold a single book about Spewis since he won his Championship) then I will be spending the next 4 weeks shifting 96 copies of it to various places around the shop.
What the hell is that? I can't take my eyes off that cover but in a train wreck type of way.
i like how it says Sartander. could that be because they've switched to ferrari for 2010?
because they wanted alonso not hamiltwunt.
I found your blog on black box. That is truly an awful cover.
And from your title picture I can see you drink Green Goblin. It's a very nice cider. And you have a cat! Lucky you.
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